
时间:2025-03-02 08:38:34


in the matter of courage we all have our limits. there never was a hero who did not have his bounds. i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit.

i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not gethim to sleep with a safety-razor.http://www.rr365.com

i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do.

i'll sit down.


honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:

it is a great honor and pleasure to be here on this beautiful saturday morning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the english language.

about a year and a half ago, i took part in my very first english speech contest. when i stood before the microphone with all eyes starring directly at me, i could hardly speak. i stood there, embarrassed and helpless, struggling in vain for the right thing to say. my fears had paralyzed me.

while my passion for english has never changed, i lost my courage to speak in public. when my professor again encouraged me to take part in this competition, i said “no.” i couldn’t endure yet another painful experience. he looked me straight in the eye and said something that pierced my heart. i will never forget his words. “look,” he said, “we all have our fears, and you have yours. you could twist your ankle in a basketball game, but then be afraid to ever play again. running away can never dispel your fears, but action will. a winner is not one who never fails,but one who never quits.”

i spent a whole day with his words twisting and turning in my mind. then i made the bravest and wisest decision of my life: i would face my fears –and take part in the competition!

as it turned out, my dear old professor was right. now, here i am, once again standing before a microphone. my heart is beating fast, and my mouth is dry, but most importantly, i have faced my fears -- and that makes all the difference!




虽然我对英语的热情从未改变,我失去了我的勇气在公众场所说话。当老教授鼓励我参加这次比赛,我说:“没有。”我无法忍受另一个痛苦的经历。他看着我的眼睛直说的东西刺穿我的心。我永远不会忘记他的话。 “瞧,”他说,“我们都有自己的恐惧,



果然,我亲爱的老教授是正确的。现在,我在这里再一次站在了麦克风前。我的心快速跳动,我的嘴巴是干的,但最重要的是,我面对我的恐惧 - 这就是差异!


this is a story about courage.

the brutality has such a mythical grandeur that it occasionally resembles beauty.

ultimately, gladiator is an honorable and inoffensive spectacle with nothing extraordinary to recommend it.

gladiator is a 2014 historical epic directed by ridley scott, starring russell crowe, joaquin phoenix,.maximus rises through the ranks of the gladiatorial arena to revenge the murder of his family and his emperor.historical epic.

the film was nominated for and won multiple awards; it won five

academy awards in the 73rd academy awards including best picture.

it gave me a big heart quake by its grand view and its lively characters. by the time maximus whispers his final words, assuring lucilla that lucius is safe, i'm moved by honor and justice. by the time juba is reverently burying maximus's totems of his wife and son, i'm. when i watched

gladiator, i'm struck by the quiet, ardent, even reverent heart at its core, one that beats for the love of family. it's a heart that beats true that makes gladiator so rousing.

“be brave, my friend; be strong, my friend; stick to your belief, my friend; stand to your principles, my friend”——just as he did. he, the former general of rome, the slaver later, and the gladiator dying for his dreams at last, implying a kind of strength that can make us always hold us heads up, never give up.

maximus, general of the armies of the north, wants nothing more than to go home to his spanish farm, to his wife and young son, after too many years fighting for the glory of the roman empire. he is loved by marcus aurelius, the aging emperor, who wishes maximus be his successor. this arouses his son commodus' anger when he heard about it. the power-hungry commodus kills his father and orders that maximus and his family should be executed. maximus manages to escape his assassination, and races home only to find that he was too late to save his family.

after burying them, maximus is found unconscious by slave traders and forced to fight for his life as a gladiator in arena. during this time, he gains notoriety through his impressive victories as a gladiator, ultimately reaching the historic roman colosseum. in his first event, he skillfully leads a band of gladiators to defeat an opposing force of chariots and archers, earning the crowd's praise through his heroics.

maximus later survives when he is forced into a match against tigris of gaul, rome's only undefeated gladiator. maximus avoids being killed by tigers released into the arena, which furthers commodus' frustration, as it seems he cannot kill maximus or stop his ascending popularity.

now desperate to have maximus killed, commodus arranges a duel with him in the arena. unknown to the crowd, commodus stabs maximus before they enter the arena.

with his dying words maximus carries out marcus ' commands, calling for the slaves to be freed, and power in rome to be transferred to the senate. lucilla reiterates his wishes, reminding

everyone that he was a soldier of rome and that his memory should be honored.

he lost his beloved wife and cute boy; he lost his authorities, but he won his glories, he won his battles, he won the respect forever, and he won himself.

powerful and loving family bonds provide the strength maximus needs to triumph here -- bonds between himself and his murdered wife and child, himself and the very concept of rome.

in my eyes, maximus is a hero, a real man with strong spirit and responsibility. he worth the honor people give him forever.


this is a story about courage.

the brutality has such a mythical grandeur that it occasionally resembles beauty.

ultimately, gladiator is an honorable and inoffensive spectacle with nothing extraordinary to recommend it.

gladiator is a xx historical epic directed by ridley scott, starring russell crowe, joaquin phoenix,.maximus rises through the ranks of the gladiatorial arena to revenge the murder of his family and his emperor.historical epic.

the film was nominated for and won multiple awards; it won five

academy awards in the 73rd academy awards including best picture.

it gave me a big heart quake by its grand view and its lively characters. by the time maximus whispers his final words, assuring lucilla that lucius is safe, i'm moved by honor and justice. by the time juba is reverently burying maximus's totems of his wife and son, i'm. when i watched

gladiator, i'm struck by the quiet, ardent, even reverent heart at its core, one that beats for the love of family. it's a heart that beats true that makes gladiator so rousing.

“be brave, my friend; be strong, my friend; stick to your belief, my friend; stand to your principles, my friend”——just as he did. he, the former general of rome, the slaver later, and the gladiator dying for his dreams at last, implying a kind of strength that can make us always hold us heads up, never give up.

maximus, general of the armies of the north, wants nothing more than to go home to his spanish farm, to his wife and young son, after too many years fighting for the glory of the roman empire. he is loved by marcus aurelius, the aging emperor, who wishes maximus be his successor. this arouses his son commodus' anger when he heard about it. the power-hungry commodus kills his father and orders that maximus and his family should be executed. maximus manages to escape his assassination, and races (本文 来自:wWW.)home only to find that he was too late to save his family.

after burying them, maximus is found unconscious by slave traders and forced to fight for his life as a gladiator in arena. during this time, he gains notoriety through his impressive victories as a gladiator, ultimately reaching the historic roman colosseum. in his first event, he skillfully leads a band of gladiators to defeat an opposing force of chariots and archers, earning the crowd's praise through his heroics.

maximus later survives when he is forced into a match against tigris of gaul, rome's only undefeated gladiator. maximus avoids being killed by tigers released into the arena, which furthers commodus' frustration, as it seems he cannot kill maximus or stop his ascending popularity.

now desperate to have maximus killed, commodus arranges a duel with him in the arena. unknown to the crowd, commodus stabs maximus before they enter the arena.

with his dying words maximus carries out marcus ' commands, calling for the slaves to be freed, and power in rome to be transferred to the senate. lucilla reiterates his wishes, reminding

everyone that he was a soldier of rome and that his memory should be honored.

he lost his beloved wife and cute boy; he lost his authorities, but he won his glories, he won his battles, he won the respect forever, and he won himself.

powerful and loving family bonds provide the strength maximus needs to triumph here -- bonds between himself and his murdered wife and child, himself and the very concept of rome.

in my eyes, maximus is a hero, a real man with strong spirit and responsibility. he worth the honor people give him forever.


aword that has changed the world


first i'd like to tell you one thing happened before i stood here. after i signed up for this speech contest, i heard that those who are frigging awesome in our school all participated in this contest and they said they do it just for fun. maybe they don't know their fame is out, but this scared me .once there was a moment i want to quit .what a stupid thought. but the most important is, now i'm here, because of courage.

write a letter to your dream girl or boy and declare your heart. that is courage.

say no to your teacher in his class when you have a different pinion. that is courage.

after failing several times in the cet-4 exam, who still hands in the entry fee resolutely, that is courage.

in a word, courage is: a man does what he must in spite of personal consequence, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures.

courage means opportunity.

these days, many people are talking about the death of steve jobs, especially the iphone fans.fronkly speaking, i admire him for pulling all of his energy and property into his dream of establishing a computer company to which all the friends hold positive attitude. maybe before a person get succeed, he is more than brave, it’s stubborn in others’ eyes.

it's said that "the people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them .they make them.” his courage creates the opportunity, that's why he captured the market vacancy.

courage means insistence. here i want to talk a famous entrepreneur with you, ma yun the ceo of alibaba.com corporation. we all know taobao.com, it's just one of its subsidiaries. he is not a genius, and doesn't have a excellent background, actually he is a little be dull. he said "i am born with a little head so can't handle two things at the same time ,if you give me 3 ,it seems to kill me ." he even don't get a decentdegree. what dive him to success? insistence and courage.

there are so many successful people in the world, not because he does better than you, but simply because he dares to .

courage means hope. all of us still remember what happened on 12th may .mentioned the earthquake in wen chuan, now what came into your mind? grieve, disastrous destruction, sympathy? no, as one who experienced the earthquake, i want to say, it’s courage.maybe lot of people will go with out their lover or their families in the rest life time, maybe the sunflowers in the yard which bloom every summer will never been seen again ,it doesn't matter ,what matters is new houses and towns were built up on the ruins after several years ,what matters is we can still hear the sounds from the class room window as one falls another rises.

what matters is when passing by neighbour's house after work, we still can smell food cooking in the kitchen. because of courage, there is hope, although earthquake is terrible, we can make a brilliant future.

courage, a meaningful word, it brings opportunity, give insistence, lead to the beautiful future, courage changes the world slowly and quietly. can you feel it?




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